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Book “finds” on strong female characters + blogs to inspire you
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The Big Art Is Your Life
Hello 2025: I've got some questions for me Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash All the arts we practice are apprenticeship. The big art...
How I Went from C-suite to Concrete through Empathy
Wouldn’t you know, turns out the idea bounced back a memory about my own empathy experiment.
Harvard Health May Be On to Something (Thanks!)
Behind this gloominess I know that I’ve actually been fighting for a new vantage point.
Change: The Day the Giraffe Talked
I know that I want to be someone who welcomes transition. Someone who meets discomfort and fear with compassion. Someone who is intentional.
When Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" Are in the Art Soup
I love how this art community is recognizing art as protest, not simply precious. How they’re focusing on the activism vs. vandalism.
A Lesson in Gullibility and Banning
The picture of my weak naiveté sickened me. I felt I would’ve been a coward.
When the Magic Went Missing in My House
I know about magic, for the wizardry of my life is co-created by many things I’m trying to pay attention to.
Discover Your Wake-up Call
The No. 1 regret of the dying: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
R.I.P. Vincent van Gogh
Did Vincent van Gogh die from a broken heart? And how did he die? Was he alone?
6 Ways You Stall Your Dreams
She [Tara Mohr] calls out women (< me cough >) for the ways we stall taking the next steps needed to fulfill our vision of meaningfulness.
When the Sh*t Hits the Street Have Hope
It’s possible that right now mind-blowing solutions to our stink-y-est problems are already in the works.
You Don't Know Where to Turn (Transformation)
Letters are perhaps the closest one can get to another’s thoughts. Private, intimate, genuine, exposed.
Fired Up to Write
f I could talk to my younger self, I would tell her not to jump in with both feet so fast—get a bigger picture on writing!
That Was 12 Joan's Ago. . . Change
This phrase gives you and me equal shares of grace to acknowledge, “Hey, I’m different now. I’ve changed.”
Power of Imagination
Imagine all the people living life in peace. John Lennon I hope you’re finding peace. Last time I wrote a blog was December. Back then we...
How to live a meaningful life
“Rules for happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for. -Immanuel Kant” So simple! I found the German philosopher...
What I Learned Reading 902 Vincent van Gogh Letters
I had to read them. All 902 letters: Mostly to his brother Theo, but a smattering of other notes to fellow artists and family members....
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