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When the Magic Went Missing in My House

Writer's picture: Joan FernandezJoan Fernandez

Discovering its secret led to more secrets revealing themselves.

Homemade seafood pasta

I have a magical house.

But I only discovered this when the enchantment suddenly suspended itself two weeks ago.

(Isn’t that just like magic? With sleight-of-hand, our perception of reality changes. Truth is hidden in plain sight.)

Here’s just three examples of the strange phenomenon I observed in my home:

  • The toilet paper holder next to the toilet did not stay stocked with extra tp.

  • The bed sheets on my bed remained rumpled and messed up the entire day.

  • I obediently placed my empty dinner plate on the dining table, but it did not fill up with food.

See what I mean? That week was a struggle!

So, what gives?

All the Little Things

Well, first of all, I know about magic, for the wizardry of my life is co-created by many things I’m trying to pay attention to.

For example, nearly every day, author friends generously share their hard-won author know-how. From Zoom recording a screen-share tour of Facebook Ad Planner while I pepper my friend with questions, or another author explaining her Goodreads giveaway promo experiences and the pros and cons of each.

  • To keep this co-creation of generosity going, I, too, have author know-how that I try to share forward.

And then there’s serendipitous info sharing. For example, my neighbor thought to warn me that her ash tree is dying from the ash bore pest and had an arborist coming to treat it. I took a closer look at my own beautiful shading friend. You guessed it, right? The same ash-bore signs were on mine! Since then, we asked the same arborist to treat ours and the tree is perking up.

  • To co-create, when I think of someone who could benefit from info, I’m trying not to stop with the association, but to follow up and send the text or email. That individual is coming to my thought for a reason.

And I am fortunate to hit obstacles. For example, when I was querying my novel to agents, I had a number of editors help me draft and redraft and re-redraft my pitch letters, vigilantly read newsletters and listened to podcasts on “how to get an agent,” researched and prioritized lists of them, set up project files and faithfully sent query after query, even following up on each one. But with all of this I either heard a polite ‘No” or form letters such as, “if you don’t hear from us, it ain’t happening” or worse, crickets. Ghosted. After fifty queries, it was time to look at another pathway to publication, which brought me to where I am today. You can imagine: the rejections caused me to dig deep. This entire process taught me a jillion lessons.

  • To co-create then, it is to see the obstacle as an invitation. And like the irritant that aggravates the clam so that it forms a pearl, be willing to see the new creative shape as it grows. But let me acknowledge with all my heart that this is not easy.

So, I guess co-creation is in so many little things. Co-creation is living in the giving that is love.

Which brings me back to the mystery of my magical house.

Behind the Magic Trick


That sleight-of-hand, that perception that shifts reality, those truths hidden in plain sight.

It took me seconds to figure out the missing wizardry when my simple needs were not being cared for.

Did I mention my husband was out of town two weeks ago?

The magic! The bounty of it!

Absence makes the heart grow. . .grateful.

With marvel,

P.S. For the record, in our household I can whip together a fantastic emergency (comfort food) tuna fish casserole in ten minutes flat. I also have whizz-bang precision at the ironingboard.

How do you divide up your household duties?

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